Uncle Rez & Knowbody Knows apparel, now available! ... Click Here
Uncle Rez Games' Products
Knowbody Knows is the first game I have
gone full blown with. I love the fact that it is both a ton of fun, and a way of
getting to know people better at the same time. Try it, you'll love it, too. You can buy it at Knowbody Knows, or ...
Also available at, ToysRUs.com
Uncle Rez's Pets is unique deck of cards for the Entire Family.   
Cute dogs, cats, and birds with different sizes and colors allows for a variety of games. I didn't spend enough money on the production of it, which
means they weren't going to sell in America's Game stores. But, still fun. Email me, or buy a deck. Click the Button Below ...
Buy a Deck of Uncle Rez Pets Cards, $5 (shipping included).
Already have a deck, and want to add a game? Click Here.